發表日期 | 性質 | 篇名/作者 | 期刊名 | 卷期頁碼 |
2025-01 | 專書 |
两性生命表理论与应用 ——昆虫种群生态学研究新方法
齐 心、傅建炜、金 燕 |
中国农业出版社。北京。 | 320 |
2024-07 | SCI |
Linking life table and consumption rate of the fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) reared on different maize cultivars
Lu, J. J., Zhuang, M. M., Long, J. M., Jiang, X. L., Zhang, Y. X., Ren, M. F., Li, D. Q., Zhang, B., Wu, Y. P., Li, G. P., and Chi, H. |
Entomologia Generalis | 44(4): 961-969. |
2024-07 | SCI |
Demographic characteristics of Paracoccus marginatus on papaya fruit and potato tubers with an innovative method for efficient application of the multinomial theorem in demographic research.
Lin, L. H., Shi, M. Z., Chi, H., Güncan, A., Özgökçe, M. S., Atlihan, R., Li, J. Y., Zheng, L. Z., Rostami, E., and Fu, J. W. |
Entomologia Generalis | 44(4): 949-959. |
2024-05 | SCI |
Comparative demography of group- and individually reared life tables of papaya mealybug with an innovative life table analysis for species in which females and males have a different number of stages.
Jin, Y., Wang, J., Huang, D.-L., Shi, M.-Z., Chi, H., Rostami, E., Kavousi, A., and Fu, J.-W. |
Entomologia Generalis | 44(3): 727-735. |
2023-10 | SCI |
Trypanosoma cruzi infection reduces the population fitness of Mepraia spinolai, a Chagas disease vector
Sophie de Bona, Hsin Chi, Ramiro O. Bustamante, Carezza Botto-Mahan. |
Medical and Veterinary Entomology | 38: 73-82. |
2023-10 | SCI |
Advances in theory, data analysis, and application of the age-stage, two-sex life table for demographic research, biological control, and pest management
Chi, Hsin, Aurang Kavousi, Gholamhossein Gharekhani, Remzi Atlihan, Mehmet Salih Özgökçe, Ali Güncan, Ayhan Gökçe, et al. |
Entomologia Generalis | 43(4): 705-732. |
2023-08 | SCI |
Demography of Tuta absoluta (Meyrick) (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) reared on elicitor-treated tomato plants with an innovative comparison of projected population sizes and application of the multinomial theorem for population survival.
Gharekhani, G., Salekebrahimi, H., Chi, H. |
Pest Management Science | DOI 10.1002/ps.7698 |
2023-02 | 非SCI |
史梦竹,傅建炜,李建宇,齐心,尤民生 |
昆虫学报 | 66(2): 255-266. |
2022-12 | SCI |
TWOSEX-MSChart: the key tool for life table research and education.
Chi, Hsin, Ali Güncan, Aurang Kavousi, Gholamhossein Gharakhani, Remzi Atlıhan, Mehmet Salih Özgökçe, Jalal Shirazi, Masood Amir-Maafi, Mostafa Maroufpoor, Roya Taghizadeh. |
Entomologia Generalis | 42(6): 845-849. |
2022-11 | SCI |
Innovative application of set theory, Cartesian product, and multinomial theorem in demographic research
Hsin Chi, Hilmi Kara, Mehmet Salih Özgökçe, Remzi Atlıhan, Ali Güncan, and Mehmet Ramazan Rişvanlı |
Entomologia Generalis | 42(6): 863-874. |
2022-10 | 非SCI |
李建宇,陈燕婷,傅建炜,史梦竹,齐心,尤民生. |
昆虫学报 | 65(10): 1389-1400. |
2022-08 | SCI |
Global water quality changes posing threat of increasing infectious diseases, a case study on malaria vector Anopheles stephensi coping with the water pollutants using age‑stage, two‑sex life table method.
Fazeli‑Dinan, M., M. Azarnoosh, M. S. Özgökçe, H. Chi, N. Hosseini‑Vasoukolaei, F. M. Haghi, M. A. Zazouli, S. H. Nikookar, R. Dehbandi, A. Enayati, M. Zaim and J. Hemingway. |
Malaria Journal | 21: 178. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12936-022-04201-x. |
2022-08 | SCI |
Contribution of alate and apterous morphs to demographic characteristics, and stable stage distribution of Acyrthosiphon pisum (Hemiptera: Aphididae) on four different alfalfa varieties.
Luo, L., Z. L. Liu, J. Yuan, H. Chi, and Z. L. |
Journal of Economic Entomology | https://doi.org/10.1093/jee/toac097. |
2022-06 | SCI |
Comparative demography and mass rearing of Aedes aegypti fed on live mice versus pig blood using a novel perforated feeder.
Hsu, P. C., Remzi Atlihan, Hsin Chi and Shu-Mei Dai. |
Entomologia Generalis | DOI: 10.1127/entomologia/2022/1542. |
2022-06 | 非SCI |
庞允舜,李少华,王荣成,齐心,刘小宇,王红宇,李向东,郑方强. |
应用生态学报 | 33(6): 1652-1660. |
2022-02 | SCI |
Innovative bootstrap-match technique for life table set up.
Masood Amir-Maafi, Hsin Chi, Zhen-Zhen Chen, and Yong-Yu Xu. |
Entomologia Generalis | 42(4): 597-609. DOI: 10.1127/entomologia/2022/1334. |
2022-01 | SCI |
Demography of Tetranychus urticae (Acari: Tetranychidae) under different nitrogen regimes with estimations of confidence intervals.
Roya Taghizadeh and Hsin Chi. |
Crop Protection. | 155, 105920. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cropro.2022.105920. |
2021-12 | SCI |
Integrating demography, predation rate, and computer simulation for evaluation of Orius strigicollis as biological control agent against Frankliniella intonsa.
Ding, Han-Yan, Ya-Ying Lin, Shu-Jen Tuan, Li-Cheng Tang, Hsin Chi, Remzi Atlıhan, Salih Özgökçe, Ali Güncan. |
Entomologia Generalis | 41(2): 179-196. DOI: 10.1127/entomologia/ 2020/1082. |
2021-04 | SCI |
Sublethal effect of spirotetramat on the life table and population growth of Frankliniella occidentalis (Thysanoptera: Thripidae).
Liang, Hua-Yu, Xiao-Min Yang, Li-Juan Sun, Chuan-De Zhao, Hsin Chi, and Chang-Ying Zheng. |
Entomologia Generalis | 41(3): 219-231. DOI: 10.1127/entomologia/2020/902. |
2021-02 | SCI |
Impact of constant and fluctuating temperatures on population characteristics of Tetranychus pacificus (Acari: Tetranychidae).
Rismayani, M. S. Ullah, Hsin Chi and T. Gotoh. |
Journal of Economic Entomology | 114(2): 638–651. doi: 10.1093/jee/toaa327 |