
發表日期 性質 篇名/作者 期刊名 卷期頁碼
2024-03 SCI Hybrids of two destructive subterranean termites established in the field, revealing a potential for gene flow between species
Chen, G.-Y., S.-Y. Huang, M.-D. Lin, T. Chouvenc, Y.-H. Ching*,and H.-F. Li*
Heredity https://doi.org/10.1038/s41437-024-00679-0
2024-03 SCI Defensive glands in Stylotermitidae (Blattodea, Isoptera)
Thakur, H., S. Agarwal, A. Buček, J. Hradecký, H. Sehadová, V. Mathur, U. Togaev, T. van de Kamp, E. Hamann, R.-H. Liu, K. S. Verma, H.-F. Li, D. Sillam-Dussès, M. S. Engel, J. Šobotník
Arthropod Structure and Development 79 (2024)101346
2024-03 其它 利用微衛星基因鑑別台灣家白蟻巢群
台灣昆蟲 44 (1): 15-25
2024-01 SCI Taxonomy of Glyptotermes (Blattodea: Kalotermitidae) in Taiwan
Wu, C.-C., J.-F. Tsai, and H.-F. Li*
Taiwania 2024 vol.69 no.1 pp.37-49
2024-01 SCI Revision of Neotermes (Blattodea: Kalotermitidae) in Taiwan
Wu, C.-C., J.-F. Tsai, and H.-F. Li*
Taiwania 2024 vol.69 no.1 pp.24-36
2023-12 專書 Taxonomic status of Coptotermes formosanus and related species.
Li, H.-F. and C.-C. Wu.
Biology and management of the Formosan subterranean termites and related species. pp. 26-39, Chapter 3, 2023
2023-11 其它 顯微斷層掃描 (Micro CT) 在昆蟲學研究的應用
台灣昆蟲 43: 34-48
2023-10 SCI Soldier phenotypic differences among two invasive and destructive Coptotermes species and their hybrids (Blattodea: Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae)
Patel, J., T. Chouvenc, C.-C. Wu, H.-F. Li, N.-Y. Su.
Journal of Insect Science 23 (6): 2 ; 1-14
2023-10 專書 Hybridization between Coptotermes formosanus and Coptotermes gestroi.
Chouvenc, T. and H.-F. Li.
Biology and management of the Formosan subterranean termites and related species. pp. 353-364. 2023
2023-08 SCI The Trail-Following Communication in Stylotermes faveolus and S. halumicus (Blattodea, Isoptera, Stylotermitidae)
Thakur H., S. Agarwal, J. Hradecký, G. Sharma, H.-F. Li, S.-E. Yang, H. Sehadová, R. S. Chandel, M. Hyliš, V. Mathur, J. Šobotník, D. Sillam-Dussès.
Journal of Chemical Ecology https://doi.org/10.1007/s10886-023-01447-w
2023-07 SCI Desiccation tolerance of Termitidae termites in relation to their nest type
Wanthathaen, C., C.-I Chiu, M.-C. Chiu, S. Leelayouthyotin, P. Krutmuang, H.-F. Li, and Y. Sripontan
Environmental Entomology 52(4): 555-564
2023-06 SCI Body size of fungus-growing termites infers on the volume and density of their fungal cultivar
Chiu, C.-I, J.-H. Ou, K.-C. Kuan, C.-Y. Chen, Y.-T. Huang, Y. Sripontan, and H.-F. Li*
Royal Society Open Science 10: 230126.
2023-03 其它 臺大實驗林清水溝及水里營林區白蟻物種多樣性及分布
臺大實驗林研究報告 37(1): 57-66 (2023)
2023-01 SCI Self-cleaning and anti-fogging hierarchical structure arrays inspired by termite wing
Lai, C.-J., Y.-J. Chen, M.-X. Wu, C.-C. Wu, N.-T. Tang, T.-F. Hsu, S.-H. Lin, H.-F. Li*, and H. Yang*
Applied Surface Science 616 (2023) 156484.
2022-08 SCI Nationwide Termite Pest Survey Conducted in Taiwan as a Citizen Science Project
Shih-Ying Huang, Chun-I Chiu, Yi-Ying Tsai, Wei-Jie Li, Chia-Chien Wu, Hou-Feng Li
Journal of Economic Entomology 115(5): 1650-1658
2022-08 SCI Diet composition of an escaped captive-born southern tamandua (Tamandua tetradactyla) in a nonnative habitat in Asia
Nick Ching-Min Sun, Chung-Chi Lin, Chun-Chieh Liang, Hou-Feng Li
Environmental Entomology 51(4): 649-659
2022-07 SCI Functional Plasticity of Foraging Shelter Tubes Built by Termites
Chiu, C.-I, B.-Y. Chen, F.-C. Chang, K.-C. Kuan, and H.-F. Li*
Environmental Entomology 51(4): 649-659
2022-06 其它 臺大實驗林下坪熱帶植物園區及溪頭營林區白蟻物種多樣性及分布
臺大實驗林研究報告 36(2) : 155-166.
2022-05 SCI Genomics and Geographic Diversity of Bacteriophages Associated With Endosymbionts in the Guts of Workers and Alates of Coptotermes Species (Blattodea: Rhinotermitidae)
Chen, J., C. R. Gissendanner, C.V. Tikhe, H.-F. Li, Q. Sun, and C. Husseneder.
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 10: Article 881538
2021-12 SCI Drugstore beetle damage pattern of glue paste–lined oil paintings
Lee, W.-Y., K.-Y. Liu, W.-Y. Wu, C.-L. Tsai, W.-A. Wu*, and H.-F. Li*
Journal of Economic Entomology 115(1): 250-258
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