
發表日期 性質 篇名/作者 期刊名 卷期頁碼
2013-01 SCI Dispersal pattern of Paederus fuscipes (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Paederinae) in relation to environmental factors and the annual rice crop cycle.
Lee-Jin Bong, Kok-Boon Neoh, Jaal Zairi and Chow-Yang Lee
Environmental Entomology 42: 1013-1019
2013-01 SCI Contact toxicity and residual effects of selected insecticides against the adult Paederus fuscipes (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae)
Lee-Jin Bong, Kok-Boon Neoh, Jaal Zairi and Chow-Yang Lee
Journal of Economic Entomology 106: 2530-2540
2013-01 SCI Influence of temperature on survival and water relations of Paederus fuscipes (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae)
Bong, L.-J., K.-B. Neoh, Z. Jaal and C.-Y. Lee
Journal of Medical Entomology 50: 1003-1013.
2012-01 SCI Subterranean termite open-air foraging and tolerance to desiccation - Comparative water relation physiology of two sympatric Macrotermes spp. (Blattod
Hu J*, K.B. Neoh*, A.G. Appel, and C.Y. Lee
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A 161: 201-207. * equal contribution
2012-01 SCI Life table of Paederus fuscipes (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae).
Lee-Jin Bong, Kok-Boon Neoh, Jaal Zairi and Chow-Yang Lee
Journal of Medical Entomology 49: 451-460
2012-01 SCI Does lack of intraspecific aggression or absence of nymphs determine acceptance of foreign reproductives in Macrotermes?
Neoh, K.B., Y. Indiran, M. Lenz, and CY Lee
Insectes Sociaux 59: 223-230
2012-01 SCI Do termites avoid carcasses? Behavioral responses depend on the nature of the carcasses
Neoh, K.-B, B.-K. Yeap, K. Tsunoda, T. Yoshimura and C.-Y. Lee.
Plos One 7: e36375.
2012-01 SCI Toxicity and horizontal transfer of chlorantraniliprole against the Asian subterranean termite Coptotermes gestroi (Wasmann): effects of donor:recipie
Neoh, K.-B, J. Hu, B.-H. Yeoh and C.-Y. Lee.
Pest Management Science 68: 749-756.
2012-01 SCI Caste composition and mound size of the subterranean termite Macrotermes gilvus (Isoptera: Termitidae: Macrotermitinae).
Chin-Cheng Lee, Kok-Boon Neoh and Chow-Yang Lee
Annals of Entomological Society of America 105: 427-433
2011-01 SCI The parasitoid, Verticia fasciventris causes morphological and behavioral changes in infected soldiers of the fungus-growing termite, Macrotermes carb
Neoh, K.B., and C.Y. Lee
Journal of Insect Science 11:47 available online: insectscience.org/11.47
2011-01 SCI Developmental stages and caste composition of mature and incipient colonies of the drywood termite, Cryptotermes dudleyi (Isoptera: Kalotermitidae).
Neoh, K.B., and C.Y. Lee
Journal of Economic Entomology 104: 622 – 628
2011-01 SCI Elimination of field colonies of a mound-building termite, Globitermes sulphureus (Haviland) by bistrifluron bait (Blattodea: Termitidae).
Neoh, K.B., N.A. Jalaludin, and C.Y. Lee
Journal of Economic Entomology 104: 607-613
2010-01 SCI Impact of orphaning on field colonies of Southeast Asian Macrotermes gilvus (Hagen) and M. carbonarius (Hagen) (Termitidae: Macrotermitinae).
Neoh, K.B., M. Lenz, and C.Y. Lee.
Insectes Sociaux 57: 431 – 439
2010-01 SCI Morphological and behavioural changes in soldiers of Macrotermes gilvus (Hagen) (Termitidae: Macrotermitinae) parasitized by the fly Misotermes minden
Neoh, K.B., and C.Y. Lee.
Environmental Entomology 39: 835 – 840
2009-01 SCI Flight activity of two sympatric termite species, Macrotermes gilvus and Macrotermes carbonarius (Termitidae: Macrotermitinae).
Neoh, K.B., and C.Y. Lee
Environmental Entomology 38: 1690–1699
2009-01 SCI Developmental stages and castes of two sympatric subterranean termites Macrotermes gilvus and Macrotermes carbonarius (Blattodea: Termitidae). .
Neoh, K.B., and C.Y. Lee
Annals of the Entomological Society of America 102: 1091–1098
2009-01 SCI Flight activity and flight phenology of the Asian subterranean termite, Coptotermes gestroi (Blattodea: Rhinotermitidae). .
Neoh, K.B., and C.Y. Lee.
Sociobiology 54: 521–530
2009-01 SCI A new species of Scuttle fly (Diptera: Phoridae) parasitizing a termite (Isoptera: Termitidae) in Malaysia
Disney, R.H.L., K.B. Neoh, and C.Y. Lee
Sociobiology 54: 89–94
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