
發表日期 性質 篇名/作者 期刊名 卷期頁碼
2014-01 其它 The effect of soil texture and depth on the parasitism by Dirhinus giffardii Silvestri (Hymenoptera: Chalcididae) on the oriental fruit fly
Wu, Y. H., S. C. Huang, C. P. Chang and Y. Y. Chuang
Formosan Entomologist 34: 1-10
2014-01 其它 Evaluating the control efficacy of water sprinkling and high humidity against Tetranychus urticae on strawberry plants
Chiou, Y. C. and Y. Y. Chuang.
Formosan Entomologist 34: 183-197
2011-01 其它 Catch efficiency of the sticky trap for Scirtothrips dorsalis Hood in the mango orchard
Wei, M. Y., C. K. Lo, Y. Y. Chuang and N. T. Chang
Formosan Entomologist 31: 339-349.
2011-01 其它 Degree of fruit ripeness affecting infestation of papaya by two species of fruit flies (Diptera: Tephritidae)
Dong, Y. J., C. W. Song, Y. Y. Chuang, K. S. Chiang, W. J. Wu, L. L. Cheng and C. C. Chen
Journal of Taiwan Agricultural Research 60: 253-262
2010-01 其它 Field evaluation of the trapping efficacy of a paste formulation of methyl eugenol for the oriental fruit fly
Chen C. C., Y. J. Dong, H. C. Wen and Y. Y. Chuang, T. C. Yang and K. Y. Ho
Formosan Entomologist 30: 65-76
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