
發表日期 性質 篇名/作者 期刊名 卷期頁碼
2021-09 SCI Area-population control of fungus-growing termite, Odontotermes formosanus, using hexaflumuron durable baits.
Chiu, C.-I, Y.-H. Chuang, W.-R. Liang, H.-T. Yeh, H.-Y. Yang, M.-J. Tsai, N. A. Spomer, H.-F. Li*
Pest Management Science 78: 104-115. DOI: 10.1002/PS.6612
2021-08 SCI Termite Pest Identification Method Based on Deep Convolution Neural Networks
Huang, J.-H., Y.-T. Liu, H. C. Ni, B.-Y. Chen, S.-Y. Huang, H.-K. Tsai*, and H.-F. Li*
Journal of Economic Entomology 114(6): 2452-2459
2021-06 其它 格斯特家白蟻對樹木結構之破壞及再入侵-以下坪熱帶植物園琉球松為例
臺大實驗林研究報告 35(1) : 49-60
2021-04 SCI Description of Aphelenchoides roulingae n. sp. (Tylenchomorpha: Aphelenchoididae) isolated from Xylocopa collaris sauteri collected from Yilan, Taiwan, with some notes on A. xylocopae Kanzaki, 2006.
Kanzaki, N., H.-F. Li, T. Ekino, Y. Takeuchi-Kaneko, N. Maehara, and T. Aikawa.
Nematology 23: 1093-1107 [SCI]
2021-01 SCI Termite salinity tolerance and potential for transoceanic dispersal through rafting
Chiu, C.-I, A. J. Mullins, K.-C. Kuan, M.-D. Lin, N.-Y. Su, and H.-F. Li*
Ecological Entomology 46: 106-116
2020-01 SCI Discovery of termitophilous rove beetles associated with Formosan subterranean termite (Blattodea: Rhinotermitidae: Coptotermes formosanus) in Taiwan,
Liang, W.-R., M. Maruyama, T. Kanao, R. Iwata, and H.-F. Li*
Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 60 (1): 77-87.
2020-01 SCI Acrostichus ziaelasi n. sp. (Nematoda: Diplogastridae) isolated from the beetle Ziaelas formosanus, a tenebrionid symbiont of the termite Odontotermes
Kanzaki, N., W.-R. Liang, C.-I Chiu, and H.-F. Li
Zoologischer Anzeiger 286 (2020): 20-30
2020-01 SCI Redescription of Formosan subterranean termite, Coptotermes formosanus (Blattodea: Rhinotermitidae), with three new synonyms from China.
Kuan, K.-C., C.-I Chiu, M.-C. Shih, K.-J. Chi, and H.-F. Li*
Scientific Reports 10:9462
2020-01 SCI Termite’s twisted mandible presents fast, powerful, and precise strikes
Kuan, K.-C., C.-I Chiu, M.-C. Shih, K.-J. Chi, and H.-F. Li*
Scientific Reports 10:9462
2020-01 SCI Digesta retention time and recovery rates of ants and termites in Chinese pangolins (Manis pentadactyla).
Sun, N. C.-M., F. H.-Y. Lo, B.-Y. Chen, H.-Y. Yu, C.-C. Liang, C.-C. Lin, K. J.-C. Pei, and H.-F. Li*
Zoo Biology 39(3): 168-175
2020-01 其它 樹種、樹高、胸徑與樹冠幅影響白蟻在樹幹的發生率
臺大實驗林研究報告 34(1): 15-24
2019-01 SCI Comparison of two faecal analysis techniques to assess Formosan pangolin Manis pentadactyla pentadactyla diet.
Sun, N. C.-M., C.-C. Liang, B.-Y. Chen, C.-C. Lin, K. J.-C. Pei, and H.-F. Li*
Mammalia 84(1) : 41-49
2019-01 其它 臺大實驗林之入侵種格斯特家白蟻海拔分布普查
臺大實驗林研究報告 33(1) : 23-32.
2019-01 其它 墾丁國家公園內銀合歡拓殖區域之白蟻多樣性及豐度
國家公園學報 29(1) : 1-10
2019-01 SCI Identification of subterranean termite genus, Reticulitermes (Blattodea: Rhinotermitidae) in Taiwan.
Wu, C.-C., C.-L. Tsai, W.-R. Linag, Y. Takematsu, and H.-F. Li*
J. Econ. Entomol. 112(6): 2872–2881
2019-01 SCI Nematode-free agricultural system of a fungus-growing termite.
Kanzaki, N., W.-R. Liang, C.-I Chiu, C.-T. Yang, Y.-P. Hsueh, and H.-F. Li*
Scientific Reports (2019) 9:8917
2019-01 SCI Fungal nutrition allocation enhances its mutualism with fungus-growing termite.
Chiu, C.-I., J.-H. Ou, C.-Y. Chen, and H.-F. Li*
Fungal Ecology 41: 92-100
2018-01 SCI Foraging phenology of the fungus-growing termite Odontotermes formosanus (Blattodea: Termitidae)
Chiu, C.-I., H.-T. Yeh, P.-L. Li, C.-Y. Kuo, M.-J. Tsai., and H.-F. Li*
Environmental Entomology 47(6): 1509-1516
2018-01 SCI Phylogenetic position of the enigmatic termite family Stylotermitidae (Insecta: Blattodea)
Wu, L.-W., T. Bourguignon, J. Šobotník, P. Wen, W.-R. Liang, and H.-F. Li*
Invertebrate Systematics 32: 1111-1117
2018-01 其它 Connecting termite researchers from around the world at ICE 2016
Chouvenc, T., H.-F. Li, and N.-Y. Su
American Entomologist 64 (3): 152-154
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