
發表日期 性質 篇名/作者 期刊名 卷期頁碼
2019-01 SCI A taxonomic review of the pericaline ground-beetles in Taiwan, with descriptions of new species (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Lebiini).
Hunting, W., and Yang, M. M.
ZooKeys (816), 1.
2019-01 其它 米爾頓釉小蜂之天敵簡介。
苗栗區農業專訊 88: 14-16
2019-01 其它 Parasitic behavior of a potentially natural enemy Aprostocetus sp. (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae), on mango pest Cecidomyiid Procontarinia robusta (Diptera
Lin, S. F., S. S. Wang, A. S. Lee, M. M. Yang, and Hao, H. H.
Journal of Taiwan Agricultural Research 68(3)
2018-12 非SCI 外來入侵種檬果壯鋏普癭蚋 (Procontarinia robusta Li, Bu & Zhang)(雙翅目: 癭蚋科) 之蟲癭發育、結構及葉片分布偏好。
台灣昆蟲 38(3): 84-91
2018-12 SCI A new genus record and species of Dromoceryx Schmidt-Goebel, 1846 (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Lebiini) from Taiwan, with a revised key to species.
Hunting, W., and Yang, M. M*(co).
ZooKeys (803), 121.
2018-06 其它 米爾頓釉小蜂 (膜翅目: 釉小蜂科) 之產卵行為及對於不同品種之蓮霧與蒲桃的產卵偏好性。
台灣昆蟲 38(2), 73-83
2018-01 SCI First record of the mulberry psyllid Anomoneura mori Schwarz (Hemiptera: Psylloidea: Psyllidae) from Taiwan
Liao, Yi-Chang and M. M. Yang.
Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology 21 (2), 603-608
2017-01 SCI First evidence of vibrational communication in Homotomidae (Psylloidea) and comparison of substrate-borne signals of two allied species of the genus M
Liao, Yi-Chang and M. M. Yang.
Journal of Insect Behavior 30: 567-581.
2017-01 其它 A new host plant and the first record of gall-forming Synanthedon auritincta (Lepidoptera, Sesiidae) from Taiwan.
Lai, B. C., Y. Arita, and M. M. Yang.
Tinea 23(6), 306-308.
2017-01 其它 Book review: Edible insects of China.
Yang, M.M., G. S. Tung.
Journal of Insect as Food and Feed 3(1), 63-64.
2016-01 SCI Eight new species of Cycloneuroterus Melika & Tang gallwasps from Taiwan and mainland China (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae: Cynipini).
Tang, C. T., F. Sinclair, J. Hearn, M. M. Yang, G. N. Stone, J. A. Nicholls, S. Schweger, G. Melika.
Zootaxa 4088 (4): 451-488.
2016-01 SCI New Dryocosmus Giraud species associated with Cyclobalanopsis and non-Quercus host plants from the Eastern Palaearctic (Hymenoptera, Cynipidae, Cynipi
Tang, C. T., I. Miko, J. A. Nicholls, S. Schweger, M. M. Yang, G. N. Stone, F. Sinclair, M. Bozso, G. Melika, and Z. Penzes.
Journal of Hymenoptera Research 53: 77-162.
2016-01 SCI Complete mitochondrial genome of Aeolesthes oenochrous (Fairmaire) (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae): an endangered and colorful longhorn beetle.
Chiu, W. C. H., W. B. Yeh, M. E. Chen, and M. M. Yang*
Mitochondrial DNA 27 (1): 686-687.
2016-01 SCI A comparative phylogeographic study reveals discordant evolutionary histories of alpine ground beetles (Coleoptera, Carabidae).
Weng, Y. M., M. M. Yang, and W. B. Yeh.
Ecology and Evolution 6(7): 2061-2073.
2016-01 SCI Redescription of the Soil-Feeding Termite Sinocapritermes mushae (Isoptera: Termitidae: Termitinae): The First Step of Genus Revision.
Chiu, C. I., M. M. Yang, and H. F. Li
Annals of the Entomological Society of America. 109(1): 158-167
2016-01 SCI Substrate-borne signals, specific recognition, and plant effects on the acoustics of two allied species of Trioza, with the description of a new speci
Liao, Y. C., S. S. Huang, and M. M. Yang*.
Annals of the Entomological Society of America. 109(6): 906-917.
2016-01 SCI A new species of alpine Apenetretus Kurnakov from Taiwan: evidences from DNA barcodes and morphological characteristics (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Patrob
Weng, Y. M., W. B. Yeh, and M. M. Yang
ZooKeys 584: 121–134.
2016-01 SCI . A new Plagiotrochus Mayr oak gall wasp species from Taiwan (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae: Cynipini). 19(2): 531-536.
Tang, C. T., M. M. Yang, G. N. Stone, J. A. Nicholls, and G. Melika
Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology 19(2): 531-536.
2015-08 其它 蟲癭內複雜的共生關係―以真菌為食的喜楠癭蚋。
林業研究專訊 125(0),19-21
2015-01 SCI Structure and function of subterranean gallery systems of soil-feeding termites Pericapritermes nitobei and Sinocapritermes mushae.
Chiu, C. I., M. M. Yang, and H. F. Li.
Insectes Sociaux 62 62: 393-400. [SCI期刊 (IP: 1.022, 41/92 in Entomology]
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